One of the most communal worries students have about studying in the UK is the uk university grading system. Indeed, understanding the UK study system can be challenging. But don’t despair! Once you understand the basics, the entry requirements, and the grades you receive, it will make more sense.
Do you know what are points to consider so that your application for a scholarship to study in the United Kingdom is not rejected?
Table of Contents
Grading – Surprises to Expect!
The conversion of a British system to that of a Latin American country varies depending on the country. Generally, British universities, especially in postgraduate studies, tend to demand more, and therefore it is more difficult to get a high grade. But don’t be disappointed, it is equally difficult for national students!
British grading system: an 85-point scale
Many of the graduate programs use a grading system in uk scale based on 85 points instead of 100 for percentages. The cut-off point for the distinction is 70 (the distinction being a recognition similar to honors). So remember: if you get a 68, don’t freak out! That is actually a good rating if you get a 72, even better! It may feel unusual to see the numbers we associate with the lowest grades, but you will get used to it.
100-point grading system in the UK. How to understand it?
The British education system uses a 100-point assessment system. These grades in uk system are fundamentally different from the former Soviet Union studied. That is why parents whose children are fortunate enough to study in the UK have to smash their brains over a “tricky” report on academic performance. Sometimes it comes to ridiculousness when a son tries to prove to his father that his score of 71 is excellent, but for his father, it is very good – it is no less than 88, and 71 is just a “four with a minus.” So, to all parents who closely monitor the progress of their children is dedicated!
It should be noted right away that some educational institutions, depending on the level of education, interpret the university grading system uk in their own way. In different educational institutions, the same number of points can mean a different grade. But this rarely happens. Most educational institutions try to adhere to the traditional scale. The assessment system is the same for all levels of education.
A score of 70% and above – equates to a First Class Honors classification.
Excellent work that demonstrates an in-depth knowledge of the subject and comprehensively covers the topic. During the presentation of the material, the student showed ingenuity and originality. The answer is perfectly structured and presented at a high level. Grammatical and spelling errors (pronunciation errors), if any, are insignificant.
Score 60 – 69% – This uk grading system equates to the Upper Second Class Honors classification.
The work demonstrates a good knowledge of the subject, reveals the topic. However, it is still worth working on the method and manner of presenting the material—good pronunciation and grammar.
A score of 50 – 59% – equates to the Lower Second Class Honors classification.
General knowledge of the subject, some aspects of the issue are not disclosed or not fully disclosed. The answer is mainly based on the information obtained during the lectures. There is no evidence of the use of additional sources. Some grammatical and spelling mistakes were made.
Score 40 – 49% – equates to the Third Class Honors classification.
Knowledge of the subject is satisfactory. The number of information sources is limited. The level of understanding is low. The answer hardly counts as “Pass.” Many grammatical and spelling mistakes.
Score 30 – 39%- (Referral).
The work does not meet the requirements, is not fully disclosed. The material is not complete and not organized. The level of knowledge of the subject is low. But, with some refinement, the grade “Pass” can be obtained. It is worth noting that for “ours,” this is the most “unusual” assessment. The student is shown his mistakes and allowed to correct them to receive a grade of “Satisfactory.”
Score 0 – 29% – “Unsatisfactory” (Fail).
The absolutely inadequate answer, not handing over a job, or not showing up for an exam.