International students play a fundamental role in setting up the profile of higher education in United Kingdom. In the 2014/2015 academic year, there were 436,585 international students studying at universities in the United Kingdom, making the country the second most popular destination in the world for foreign students. They contribute to creating a fertile learning environment and therefore universities take the experience of the international student very seriously. But this experience is also worthwhile for the interested parties themselves, as they enjoy the opportunity to learn from and with people from other parts of the world, with whom they can exchange a wide variety of views.
Students mostly fond of studying abroad specially in UK as they found studying there very attractive and of high level. They can also find instant help for their assignments through online resources of Cheap Assignment Writing Service UK.It is gratifying to see that the excellent satisfaction rates of foreign students recognize the efforts made by universities. These rates are very high at all levels of study and in all aspects (arrival, accommodation, support and learning): 89% in the case of graduate students, 90% for research students and 91% for students of Bachelor’s degrees. The best higher education institution in uk.
It has been even more exciting for me to discover that international students actively recommend higher education in the United Kingdom over that of other English-speaking countries, that is, Canada, the United States, Australia and New Zealand.
The answers we receive for our study, through the International Student Barometer tool , clearly indicate that the most important factors, when making a decision as to where to go to study, are the reputation of the institution, the specific studies in question and the quality of the research.
There are leading global higher education institutions both inside and outside the United Kingdom
With this in mind, British universities have been investing in recent years in the international expansion of their activities, and in particular, in facilitating access to international students who cannot afford a higher education abroad.
It is a pride for me to see that, as a consequence of these development decisions, UK higher education is a world leader in transnational education (TNE) when students study in British secondary education outside the United Kingdom.
Although there are about 250 international university campuses scattered around the world, those in the United Kingdom only represent 4-6% of our TNE. Most of our transnational education is the result of collaborations between the British institutions and those of the host countries, through which we build our capacity in those countries.
A clear example of success is LASALLE College of the Arts in Singapore, which sought as a university partner at Goldmisths University in London whose validation faculties approach the arts in a similar way.
These international collaborations are necessary, now more than ever, since the demand for higher education far exceeds the supply that exists in the rapidly developing countries. Today we can see how transnational education contributes significantly to higher education worldwide, in a context of booming GDPs and middle classes.
It is really surprising to see that there are currently more students studying at British institutions outside the United Kingdom than within it. During the 2014-2015 academic year, there were about 663,915 transnational students in the United Kingdom, that is, 13.4% more than in the previous academic year.
Another great achievement is that there are only 15 countries in the world in which the United Kingdom does not facilitate some type of higher education. And in the first five countries where the United Kingdom provides transnational education remain constant since 2011: Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, China and Oman are proof of the great demand in Southeast Asia for British higher education. I believe that this trend will continue, since four out of every five institutions of higher education in the United Kingdom are planning to expand their transnational activities over the next three years. British universities clearly recognize the potential of transnational education as a factor of expansion abroad, but also as a factor of growth in the areas of curriculum development, material outcomes and collaborative activities.