Have you ever wondered what future would be like? We all have. Thus to keep you from wondering any more we have brought to you some of the most innovative advances of science in the field of technology . We will be sharing some of the innovations which have changed the way we look at the world around us.
- Automated Shopping:
Automation is another innovation that has changed shopping trends across the world, although it is not as common as it will be in the near future but still it is quite effective. With automation comes the debate of whether it negatively affects the economy of the country or not.
Even if it does, still we cannot deny the success of Information and Technology. With advancement latest gadgets like mouse, headphone and speakers etc have become cheaper and more efficient. For instant you can get best Bluetooth speaker under $100 only and will be more then efficient and long lasting. Moreover you can shop it online easily.
The debate must have started when amazon opened its first automated grocery store that lacked cashiers and payments were collected by a computerized system. This idea eventually spread around the globe and more and more companies opted automated systems. McDonalds also opened some of its outlets with such system where clients could place order at screens and pay through their cash
- Virtual assistant :
Have you watched home alone 4 as a kid and say to yourself “there’s no way this technology exists in real “well now it does and with time more households will be seen using such technology .you must be well aware of the technologies that have changed the way we see the world, two of them are Google’s Home and Alexa.
Google’s home as well as Alexa havemade life so efficient that you no longer need to remember your monthly schedule, as Alexa would do it for you. Not only this but Google’s home would make sure that you don’t forget birthday’s ,important meetings and keep reminding you so you don’t regret later.
Technologies such as Alexa and Google’s Home along with being your personal assistant at home or at work obey your voice commands as well. voice commands enables you to perform certain tasks just by saying it for example turning on the air conditioner ,or turning on lights ,electric heaters, etc. Apple’sHome pod will be a similar innovation. Samsung has also step forward to contribute their part by introducing their very own Bixby technology.
- Block chain:
Block chain is an innovative business of crypto currency. This idea of business that may have not introduced crypto currency by itself but has started to deal in it. Customers from all over the world invest their money in block chain and hope to get something out of the digital currency.
Block chain is somewhat similar to the banks but the difference is it deals in digital currency instead of paper money Many companies are using block chain to manage their finance related work and dealings.
- Cryptocurrency:
In ancient times gold and silver coins were exchanged for goods as currency, as times advanced the coins transformed into paper money and today it seems like bit coins are our future.
These coins may not be pocket money but they have influenced economy all over the globe. With newness comes criticism and crypto currency has awoken criticsas well. Crypto currency has its own pros and cons but it surely is a whole new medium of currency
- Artificial Intelligence:
Artificial intelligence, if considered the mother of all technology, may not be wrong. The term may seem to mean a single innovation but in reality it is so vast that it cannot be defined by a single innovation. Calling artificial intelligence mother of technology is because almost all the IT innovations need more or less artificial intelligence in order to function.
The list of fields that used such intelligence is vast for example research, Information Technology, cyber security who may use technology to monitor as well as prevent crimes
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