Promoting your newly written historical romance book can be tough, to say the least. After all, you would not want all your hard work to fall into the hands of those who have no idea about the genre. Promoting your book in the right manner also brings down the level of criticism which might arise from your delicate topic.
Historical romance novels have their own fans and thus it is important to provide them with what they want. And without knowing how to go about the promotion, it will be fruitful neither to you nor to your readers.
So, here are 4 ways of promoting your latest novel:
- Increase your online presence: A good way to increase your online presence is by creating social media pages. While you can provide quotes and excerpts from your previous historical romance novels for Facebook and Twitter, for Instagram you can upload pictures depicting various important scenes of your books and maybe even of your upcoming novel as well.
Next, create a personal blog or website. Post articles, reviews on different novels of your genre in order to show your indulgence to the audience. You can also rank the best romance novels of all timeas per your choice so that your audience can get to know more about your taste and genre.
- Opt for a daily newsletter service website: A great way to promote your works is by hiring a daily newsletter service. The best thing about such websites is that you get a lot more audience than by any other means. Along with this, they also provide attractive deals for you to choose from according to your budget.
These websites act as a huge platform for budding writers who are searching for new topics to write upon. They also provide free kindle books from online stores of Amazon, Kobo, BN and Smashwords. They also provide daily book deals, titles and descriptions.
- Using a book promotion service: A better option than a just newsletter service is a book promotion service. And there are many such websites which provide attractive packages for the promotion of your book not just on its own website but also on all its social media pages. You will also be able to add audio book links, author image and bio. Such a website further posts a dedicated book page and includes the book on its daily deals email list, along with services that let you give your new novel a supplement newsletter along with the regular daily ones.
These websites also let you provide information about yourself, your personal blog or website, and how your readers can connect to you. This help to form a healthy relationship between you and the readers which can be very much effective in the promotion of your new book.
- Additionals:
Perspectives- A very effective way of making the most out of your new book is to know about the various perspectives of your readers and what they have in their minds, what they are looking for and what you can give to them in order for a better reaction. And this is only possible by going through their reviews of other historical romance novels.
Looks- Before going for printing, make sure that you have a compelling cover design.
For this, you can either let your readers decide what your cover should incorporate in the form of a social media contest. Or you can take help from a professional cover designer to give your novel the perfect cover page that will surely attract a lot of eyes. All this will certainly lead to effective promotion.
Keeping these 4 points in mind will help you promote your latest novel in a perfect manner. It is very important to have a good book promotion because this is what will lead to a strong selling figure and reach out to a larger audience that will spread the word further.