Table of Contents
Coronavirus latest updates
coronavirus update worldwide
coronavirus update india
As per govt and WHO instructions we need to follow the advice’s
When to wear mask ?
Self-isolate and stay at home for 7 to 14 days if you develop symptoms
Stay at home for 14 days if you live in a household where someone has the symptoms of coronavirus
The 20sec hand washing medatory try to do frequently
Use sanitizer frequently
Clean used surfaces at home such as door handles, kettles and phones etc..
Keep distance two or three metres away
Drink plenty of liquids to stay well hydrated
Work from home where possible
Keep in touch with families and friends using phone, internet and social media.
Do regular exercise to keep fit
Avoid Cinemas, theatres, pubs, bars, restaurants and clubs
Keep social distancing
Do not have contact with anyone who has symptoms of COVD19
Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth without hand washing
Do not visit your hospital if you still have coronavirus symptoms after seven days.
Do not share your personal used products like towels or a bed etc..
Do not go on vacation
For more updates refer
Country-wise corona-virus update