Small business loans are a great way to help your business improve and succeed. They can provide a boost financially if you are looking to purchase equipment to make your services more efficient or hire and train new staff if you are looking to expand. If you find yourself struggling financially because of an unforeseen expense, there are short-term loans available when you need help. There are a few things to consider before applying for your business loan, here are 5 factors that can have an impact when applying for your small business loan.
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Business plan
When applying for a business loan, it is likely that you will need a solid business plan in place. When you’ve chosen the lender that is right for you, making sure that you can show them how you plan to run your business is essential. Having a plan in place helps to show whichever financial institution that you choose that you are serious about making your business a success in the future and helps them to decide whether they are making a safe, wise investment.
Credit score
If you are just starting out with your own small business, your personal credit score will be considered when applying for a business loan. If you have a bad personal credit history, it will make it harder for you to qualify for a loan. However, some lenders do work with affordability, so if you can prove you can pay back your business loan, this may put you in a better position. If you have been operating as a business for a while, the credit score that your business has will be considered, for example, if you’ve been able to make the repayments for a loan in the past, this will be an advantage for taking out loans in the future.
Age of the business
If you’re looking for a boost to get your business started, you may find it difficult to qualify for a loan that will meet your needs financially. There are loans for new ventures, but business loans tend to be offered to businesses that have been operating for 6 months or more, as lenders tend to see more risk in lending to business owners that are new or haven’t run a business in the past. The longer your business has been established, generally the easier it will be to qualify for a loan.
Revenue and profit
Your chosen lender for your loan will review your business’s monthly profit and revenue, as well as outgoings and repayments to help them decide if you qualify. If your documents show that you can afford to repay the loan with ease, the lender will use this to calculate an interest rate. If they find that you might struggle to repay, you may find yourself paying a higher interest rate or not qualifying for the loan. Lenders must take affordability and repayments seriously as they don’t want to have a negative effect on your finances.
If there is a bank or lender that you have always used, it is always best to see what they can offer you first. If you’re a good customer, it is likely you will get a lower interest rate on your loan as banks strive for satisfied customers.