Whether you’re an NHS worker, university lecturer, or a member of your local council, face masks have become a part of our day-to-day lives and will not be going anywhere anytime soon.
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Why are face masks so important?
In order to reduce the number of Coronavirus cases, government guidelines have demanded the use of face masks in spaces where keeping within the one meter or more rule is difficult to achieve.
Reusable face masks have been proven to dramatically reduce the spread of COVID-19, with a specific emphasis on the fact that wearing them in public will help protect others from you and will reduce your potential symptoms.
Research has proven that wearing face masks cuts down 95% of the breathing that sends the virus up to 6 feet away in a room as well as reducing the chances of bacteria travelling from one mouth to another in a confined space.
Why should we be using reusable masks?
By 2026 the worldwide face mask market is expected to be worth over $21 million, but with so many disposable masks made with toxic and harmful materials that are often not recycled, the time to make the right choice of mask is becoming increasingly imperative for the environment and for society.
There are many benefits to wearing a reusable face mask, firstly, they are economical as you can wash them and reuse them as many times as you need, will prevent you from spreading the virus, and will stop you from using the medical-grade supply that frontline workers need.
By washing your mask regularly at 60 degrees, you will automatically kill the COVID-19 particles that are present on the mask. They are also eco-friendly so you are saving the planet as well as your family and friends.
Why should you use the masks from Keltic Sustainable Uniforms?
Over at Keltic Sustainable Uniforms, you can buy sets of black non-medical surgical face masks for as little as £35. With tonnes of breathing room, whilst keeping you safe, these masks are perfect for any type of work.
Before applying your mask, ensure you have washed your hands with hot water and soap. For maximum protection, cover both your mouth and nose with the mask, ensuring it is securely on your face.
It might seem obvious, but avoid frequently touching your mask when using it, and try to wash your hands regularly. When you have finished using your mask, remove it via the sides and avoid touching the front if at all possible.
Bought in either packs of 20 for £35 or packs of 100 for £145, you can rest assured you and your team will be kept safe.
The washable face masks are individually bagged in biodegradable bags in order to avoid cross-contamination when you’re distributing them out to your colleagues, so rest assured, safety is the number one priority. All masks come in black, which means no matter what you’re wearing, they’ll match and are perfect for any type of industry.
So, if you and your colleagues want to conquer this pandemic in style, make sure you head over to Keltic Sustainable Uniform to grab your packs of masks so we can all go back to work safely, securely and of course, don’t forget, stylishly.