
What Do Bees Do In The Winter: Know about Bees & Honey

Honey bees are social insects. They make their home in a nest containing tens of thousands of bees, which is essential to their continued existence.

Let’s start by looking at what bees do in the winter, how can honey bees survive the winter months, and many more about Honey Bees.

Where Do Honey Bees Go In Winter?

Honey bees may remain active throughout the year in warmer areas, which means that honey is a vital source of fuel for reproduction and swarming.

They adapt to milder conditions by being less active, but they do not become entirely dormant (inactive). Honey, which is stored as food for the winter, is essential to the colony’s survival.

Honey bee queens and worker bees will form a temperature-regulating cluster in their brood chamber when the temperature drops below 10 degrees Celsius.

This temperature-regulating cluster is also known as a “thermo-regulating cluster.” A “winter cluster” is the name that most people give to this phenomenon. At this point, there won’t be any male bees (called drones) left in the nest or hive.

Younger worker bees will be found closer to the cluster’s center, while the older bees will form the set’s perimeter. The bees gathering together produce heat by moving, like shivering with their wing muscles. This helps the bees to stay warm. Additionally, the fact that bees have hairy bodies is beneficial to them since the fine hairs assist in trapping heat, and this effect is amplified by the fact that a large number of bees nearby, all of whom have hairy bodies.

When the temperature drops, the bees will cluster together even more closely. The tightness of the cluster is loosened up by the younger worker bees in the center of the group as they get warmer. This allows the warm air to flow back to the elder bees on the outside edge of the cluster.

The temperature of the cluster’s exterior is typically maintained at roughly 12 degrees Celsius, although it must be at least 6 degrees Celsius 2.

What Type Of Honey Bee Is The Best?

The most commonly requested variety of bees to ship to North America is the Italian variety.

They are known for their kindness and ability to produce high-quality honey. Because they do not form a dense cluster like other types of honey bees, Africanized honey bees are typically reared in the southern regions of the United States. These bees struggle to survive in regions with colder climates because they need to consume more food to make up for the fact that they do not do so.

Honey Bee

How Can Honey Bees Survive The Winter Months?

Honey bees can endure the harsh winters even though most other bees and wasps hibernate throughout the winter months. “Hibernation” and “diapause” are two of the many methods that insects, such as bees, might utilize to make it through the year’s colder months. Other methods include eating less and storing food.

Only the queen can make it through the winter in certain types of bees. In the spring, she emerges from a haven to start a new colony and ensure its successful development.

Nevertheless, honey bees continue to stay busy throughout the winter, despite the sub-zero temperatures and the shortage of blossoms to consume as food. These honey bee species survive the colder months of the year by producing their heat source.

To put it another way, honey bees need food and a warm place to reside to survive the winter. Honey provides the colony with the food and energy it needs to maintain its temperature, and if the colony consumes all of its honey before spring, it is likely to perish from the cold.

They must put in a tremendous effort during the warmer months to gather nectar, digest it, and then store vast quantities of honey. 

Honey bees start preparing for winter as summer gives way to autumn and their nectar and other sugar supplies begin to run out.

The bees will begin congregating within their hive as soon as the temperature drops. Meanwhile, the queen will cease producing eggs between the end of autumn and the beginning of winter since there is less food available.

Do Bees Still Make Honey During the Winter?

Honey, the principal source of nourishment for the colony when it is hibernating, cannot be produced by bees without the nectar provided by flowers. They do not forage for food during the winter since this is the time when plants do not produce nectar or pollen.

Honey bee foraging worker bees obtain nectar from flowers within a four-mile radius of their hive when the weather is warm (spring and summer).

Honey bees, in contrast to wasps and bumblebees, are active throughout the year. This implies that a significant portion of the honey bee colony’s activity throughout the spring and summer is directed toward ensuring the colony will make it through the next winter.

Do Bees Make Honey In Winter?

The simple answer to that question is no. Only while hunting for food in the spring and summer can honey bees produce honey. Honey, which they ingest as a form of carbs for energy, and pollen, which is their supply of protein, are both stocked up during the warmer months when they can build up their reserves.

What Do Bees Do In The Winter

When honey bees return inside the hive, where it is warmer, around the end of October, they feed themselves from the reserves they’ve built up to maintain a healthy level of nutrition and contentment. Because the drone bees’ job is over now, the queen bee and the lovely workers are the ones who take advantage of all the delicious, naturally occurring deliciousness they have labored so hard to make.

But there’s no need to worry; there’s enough honey to go around! Honey producers often stop harvesting honey after the summer’s end, meaning that any reserves that honey bees build up before the onset of winter will be reserved only for the honey bees to consume when the weather turns chilly.

Even though they are not gathering food or generating honey during the winter, honey bees and beekeepers still have a lot of work to do. Our little friends can be as productive as possible in the busy spring by conserving energy and staying warm throughout the colder months.

They do this to help pollinate essential crops, providing us with some of our favorite foods and keeping the world happy with their delicious honey.

You may also want to know:

What do bees do when they’re cold?

Honeybees keep warm throughout the year’s colder months by huddling together closely within the hive. The worker bees create heat by vibrating their bodies in a rhythmic pattern. The queen is closer to the center of the cluster, with a temperature in the range of 90–100 degrees Fahrenheit.

Do bees hibernate in winter?

There is no such thing as hibernation for bees as for mammals. To save their vitality, they do not become dormant. Instead, the colony works like a little furnace by continuously working out its flying muscles throughout the winter. Because of this, you won’t observe much action near the hive’s entrance throughout the wintertime.

What month do bees go away?

Due to their capacity to generate vast quantities of honey, beekeepers experience a genuine “bee season.” This period often extends from the latter part of February through the beginning of October. The arrival of honey bee swarms is one of the most exciting parts of spring. At this point, the colonies ought to be capable of cultivating enough food for themselves.


We had a comprehensive conversation about what bees do in the winter. When the weather changes, bees will use various survival techniques. Depending on the species, this might be anything from hibernating to being active throughout the winter.

Since preserving the variety of bees is essential, understanding their behavior and the conditions they need in their environment is useful.


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