
Top Ways to Maximize Productivity in Your Manufacturing Facility

In the world of business, time is money, and for every amount of time that’s wasted, that’s money lost. And despite this old adage being true in every industry, it’s especially true in the world of manufacturing.


Because manufacturing is all about production… How much of “this” can get put out in the least amount of time? Where the dilemma lies is in the ability to not sacrifice quality in exchange for quantity, because in manufacturing, having quality and quantity is a must. And this is especially important being that we are in a global pandemic where the coronavirus has impacted shipping just as much as it has manufactured.

So what’s a manufacturing company to do that can help maximize its productivity? Well, there are quite a few things that can be done. Everything from reorganizing workflows to removing unnecessary obstacles, here are some ways to increase productivity in your manufacturing facility.

Tips to Maximizing Productivity in Manufacturing Processes and Operations

Review Your Current Workflow

How will you know what you can improve until you’ve given your workflow a once-over?

Do you have the right people working in the right area with the right skills necessary to perform their jobs?

Where are the areas of opportunity in your processes?

Is all your equipment properly working? Do some need repairs? Does the technology you’re currently using meet your manufacturing needs?

You have to ask these questions and evaluate your current workflow to know which direction to go in to start making improvements.

Update Operational Processes

After reviewing your current workflow, now you can dig a little deeper into the areas of your operational processes that could be updated. Maybe you had various applications to access different areas of the business. For example, you have an EBR system you would use to keep track of inventory, another to manage finances to keep a record in pharmaceutical manufacturing industries, and another for project management… nothing was in one place.

Lots of businesses have gotten away with this unnecessary chaos for quite a while and actually succeeded. But that success can only last for so long before too many errors and inaccuracies start popping up. Ideally, as far as a business management system, you need a fully integrated system to have all your business processes in one application.

Inventory management solutions can house your accounting, inventory, supply chain, and reporting all in one single application, leaving less room for error. And these programs are equipped to automate certain processes as well, allowing you more time to focus on more important areas of the business.

Make Sure All Employees are Properly Trained

According to, investing in your employees is one of the smartest business decisions you could ever make. And by investing in your employees, we mean making sure all employees are properly trained.

Yes, lots of companies like to “invest” in employees by way of hosting employee appreciation days and having luncheons together, and all of that is indeed a great way to show your appreciation to them, but it’s not really investing in them…

To invest in an employee means that you’re investing in their development within the company so that they can do their jobs to the best of their abilities and have no doubt that they know exactly what they’re doing and what their responsibilities are… That’s investing in your employees at its finest.

When your employees have the proper training, there’s less room for error, meaning they can do their jobs with minimal supervision and perform at top speed with accuracy. This includes training on various computer systems, programs, and machinery.

Let’s say your manufacturing company deals with dispensing technology… Well, the best place to buy dispensing equipment is from bdtronic, but the only way the dispensing equipment will be beneficial to the company is if the employees know how to properly operate the machinery… It’s training like this that genuinely makes employees feel part of a team and motivates them to work effectively and efficiently.

Create and Maintain an Organized Workspace

The design and setup of your workspace play a significant role in productivity. Just think about it… Your workspace is the very place where all the business operations, functions, and processes are carried out so having an uncluttered space will make it easier to find important items and documents, thus saving you time and energy in looking for those items.

Rajhu S Goraai

Rajhu S Goraai is a Passionate Stock and Commodity Researcher. Travel addict and Photographer. Co-founder and Editor of Leading Business & Tech Magazines.

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