
Things to Consider When Choosing Corporate Ties

A business uniform can help to seal your professional image and represent your brand, so choosing the right kind of corporate ties is an important part of the process. Here are some things to consider when you decide to shop for corporate ties.

Reflects your brand

Thinking about color and style is crucial when choosing any kind of tie, but it is especially important when picking one for your business.

Think about your business logo or ethos, and incorporate any associated styles and colors into the design of your corporate ties. This can help to create a consistent and unified brand and reinforce your identity in all who see you.

If you don’t have any recognizable colors or styles that define your brand, think about color or style choice that reflects what you represent, or the kind of image you want to portray.

If you operate a formal business, you might want to demonstrate this with a choice of plain or neutral colors, while a more informal brand can get away with choosing funkier tie colors, bold patterns, or stripes, for example.

If you can have some input into the design process, then all the better. Choose a corporate tie manufacturer who is willing to work with you to produce just what you require. It’s also worth taking a look at a finished sample before ordering a full batch, to ensure you get the design details spot-on.

Style considerations

It’s one thing to ensure your corporate ties ‘tie-in’ with your brand identity, but it’s another to make certain that the style offers enduring appeal.

Avoid faddy fashion trends, which might date quickly or won’t work with the rest of your company uniform, otherwise, you could end up having to replace the ties sooner than you’d anticipated.

Traditional styles of tie offer a timeless, classic look and are suitable for wear in a wide range of environments, from offices to schools and clubs, but bow ties and scarf ties are another option to consider.

Always choose quality

As with any other aspect of your business, you’ll want to exude a quality ethos, so choosing corporate ties made from premium-grade materials should be your top priority.

Look for a supplier with a proven track record for producing quality company ties from durable materials that will continue to look good even after repeated washes.

If your employees will be carrying out manual tasks or working in busy environments, it’s essential that the ties worn by staff are made from hard-wearing materials that can withstand such conditions.

Aside from thinking about quality materials, consider the environmental impacts of how the ties are made. Every business needs to do its bit to safeguard the planet, so opt for a corporate tie manufacturer who uses eco-friendly methods or recycled materials during the production process.

Practical appeal

Corporate ties should look great and reflect your brand, but it’s equally important that they are practical to wear. Think about the tasks that your employees carry out on a day-to-day basis, and how wearing a particular style of tie could impact this.

For instance, if you work with machinery and need to take health and safety into account, you might wish to consider clip-on ties. Elasticated ties or those with velcro fastenings also offer practical benefits for those not proficient at knotting a standard tie.

Ben Williams

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