
4 Strategies for Better Employee Engagement

Having engaged employees is one of the best and easiest ways to ensure your company stays profitable and your team is happy. But sadly, not many employers and managers care about employee engagement, which causes a lot of issues and tension in the workplace. But this can be avoided.

Only 36% of employees are engaged in the workplace which is a staggeringly low number. If you don’t want that to happen at your company, you need to take steps, ensuring that everyone comes to work fully engaged and motivated to perform as best as possible.

Use an engagement tool

There are many reasons why engagement is important in the workplace and there are a lot of things you can do to improve it. Using technology should be at the top of your list of priorities.

Most business owners know how important it is to invest in tools, but very few of them invest in an engagement tool. The best employee engagement software tools like these listed by SnackNation include training tools, a notification system, surveys and feedback for employees, as well as incentives and recognition.

Here are some of the benefits you will see if you start using an employee engagement tool:

  • Increased employee retention. Productive workers always feel more appreciated and therefore are more likely to stay with a company for longer than non-engaged employees. They are also more likely to build a stronger company culture and grow closer with colleagues. Keeping employees could also mean that you can apply for employee retention credit.
  • Collecting employee feedback. Since these tools come with built-in feedback collection, your employees will have an easy way to share their thoughts about the company and their jobs with you. And when you take that feedback into account, it will show them their voices are heard.
  • Increased productivity. When employees feel heard and appreciated, which they will be due to the incentives, engagement will skyrocket.

If you want to increase engagement with the help of a tool, make sure to choose an employee engagement software that fits well with your business.

Ever heard of DEI?

As many as 57% of employees think their company should be doing more to increase diversity. Practicing DEI in the workplace will help your employees feel appreciated and valued, no matter their race, gender, age, or background.

DEI, which is short for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, is very important in the workplace. Managers nowadays need to think about how they approach diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

If you’re willing to take the extra step to shift behaviors and mindsets in a way that will ensure equity diversity and inclusion in the workplace, here are a few things you can do:

  • Have meaningful conversations. To cultivate an understanding culture, you need to have conversations that are based on respect, openness, and understanding.
  • Encourage coaching. Sometimes the system of power within an organization or unconscious bias creates managers who aren’t able to support their team adequately. That is why you should coach all managers and mentors to develop skills that allow them to lead as they should.
  • Talk about social identity. People will understand their differences and similarities much better if they understand the concept of social identity. When people understand this concept better, it will also help them discover biases towards other identities they might have and correct them.

Let your employees be themselves

A lot of business owners create tension unknowingly because they expect their employees to behave in a certain way. While there are some areas where you need to tell your workers what to do and how to behave, in most cases, you should just let them be authentic.

When you encourage your employees to be themselves instead of what others expect them to be, they will see they are appreciated for what they are, and not for what they can do for the company. It will show them you care about them as people, not just a way to make money.

When you put a lot of expectations on your employees, not only will you create tension, you will also stop them from expressing their opinion and growing in unique ways.  Don’t stifle your employees, let them work in a positive and accepting environment and always strive to improve employee satisfaction.

Keep your employees updated on how the company is doing

Never forget that your employees are the backbone of your company and any success or failure it experiences affects them as much as it affects you. Every employee wants to know if their contribution is helping the company improve and grow or if there’s something they’re doing wrong.

That’s why you should provide your workers with regular briefings of how well the business is doing, if you’re meeting your quotas, or if there are issues in certain departments.

Allowing your employees to know what works and what doesn’t gives them the opportunity to come up with better strategies and create new ideas for any weak areas. But it also allows them to see what areas they thrive in and provides them with a sense of pride.


A productive employee is a happy and hard-working employee who stays loyal to the business they work for and always looks for ways to grow and improve. If you want to improve employee engagement in your workplace, remember everything you’ve read about here and the results will amaze you.


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