Education & Job

Ideas to improve participation in Your Live Classes

There are both types of students in every class, first type is who wants to participate in every discussion and class activities while the second type is who hesitates in asking doubts and participating in-class activities. The second type of students are generally average or weak in studies as they are never able to clear their doubts and understand the concepts properly, they face a very hard time in offline classes.

Online classes have changed everything, it has made the learning process better. If you want more students to participate in your live classes, you need to be creative and put in a lot of effort. You need to ask students what they want, how they want those classes to be, and what changes can be made so that they understand concepts more.

After the end of the live classes, you can ask students if they have any doubts or if they want one more lecture on the same topic. In this way students will engage more, they will think before answering what they felt about the class. Schools can equip themselves with an ERP to make processes easier.

Teach interesting and updated content, all can teach in a simple way, but it depends on you if you want more participation. Start using audio and videos to make your live classes more interactive. You can use many things to make your class more interesting like an online class app, teaching devices, 3D diagrams, presentations, pen tabs, and many more. Make full use of advancements in technology.

After teaching them, ask students what they have understood. This method is excellent if you want to improve participation as when we were students, we also paid more attention when teachers used to ask what we understood about the topic taught. So next time we paid more attention to explain better to all the students and the teacher.

You can make various groups and assign them to perform a task together, even if one of them was less attentive, he/she would be more attentive to complete the task on time. You should allow students to present their ideas, motivate them to give their point of view about the topic, in this way their participation will increase. Teachers can allow students to type their views in the chat box, in this way they all will start typing their views about the concept.

If you are comfortable and want more and more participation from students, then there is a way. You can take the classes at the time students want, students know when they are most interested to take the class. When they join the class decided by all the students mutually, you can see the change. They will be more interested and understand more in less time.

Never pressurize students to study, students can not study properly if they take it as a burden. You need to be supportive, students will themselves participate more when you do not pressurize them, it does not mean that you do not need to do anything. You have to constantly motivate students to study, that is very important for all, you can inspire them by giving examples of achievers. As knowledge is the only thing we can never lose, students should be told that they can be very successful if they study with full concentration and determination. It is not like you just motivate them once in a while and expect them to participate more, you need to constantly motivate them. If you put in the effort, you will certainly get a great result. Hope you understood all the ways to improve participation in Your Live Classes.

Rajhu S Goraai

Rajhu S Goraai is a Passionate Stock and Commodity Researcher. Travel addict and Photographer. Co-founder and Editor of Leading Business & Tech Magazines.

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